
Redefining how we see beautiful.

There's a new trend working its away across the nation, via t.v news sites and blogs. That trend is one of self worth. Media bombards us with ideas of body image. One would think from the outside looking in that we as a nation that is so obsessed with reality t.v shows about staying fit and working out and appearance that we would also be happier with ourselves and who we are.

However, if you talk to young women and older alike you are sure to hear insecurities and discrepancies about themselves. But! There are whispers of, grass-root movements even of women taking a stand to tell each other:
You are beautiful!

  • Last year, a young author Jenna Lucado released a book called Redefining {beau.tif.ful} encouraging teenage girls to look within and redefine what they see as beautiful and find the self worth to see themselves as they truly are.
  • Skip forward to this morning on "CBS The Early Show" a growing group of teenage girls from Colleyville, Texas shared how they have formed a new club at school called 'Redefining beautiful'. Every Tuesday these girls leave the make up at home and present themselves to their peers at school with no make up on. It has made such an impact that there is even a male support group at their school embracing the idea of natural beauty in girls. So where do these young trend setters get their inspiration from?
  • Operation Beautiful. This blog site was launched in June 2009. Its mission is to end negative self talk. The followers of this movement have been known to post sticky notes and pieces of paper on mirrors, bus stops and bathroom stalls to encourage another woman with words like "You're AMAZING!" "You're UNIQUE!" "YOU ARE WORTH IT!"
All of the above may seem like small steps but they are most defiantly steps in the right direction. Blogs (such as this one) are meant for fun, and entertainment. I hope that just by posting this message today that it will inspire you to take what you have read above and make it your own and get out there and inspire another teen, or mother, or friend to do the same. Because, clothes and fashion and make-up are all okay to enjoy and express yourself through. But! If you don't love who you are underneath it all, then all it is, is a mask.

Be you.

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